Hi, my name is Ozan İŞGÖR
I'm a Software Developer.

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As a proactive and decisive software developer, I infuse every project with boundless energy and unwavering enthusiasm. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, I am always seeking out new challenges and pushing the limits of what is possible.

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Support Ticket

An application that allows users to create support tickets for their products and communicate with staff by creating notes, as well as track the status of their tickets.

MongoDB, Express, React, Node, Redux
See Live Source Code

House Marketplace

A house marketplace application where users can discover houses for sale and rent, view those with special offers, easily sign up and log in with their Google accounts, and list their own rental or sale properties.

React, Firebase, Google Geocode API
See Live Source Code


A React CRUD app that allows users to add, update and delete feedbacks using Firebase as backend. Users also can see their feedback on their profile.

React, Firebase
See Live Source Code

GitHub Finder

An application allows users to search for Github profiles by using the Github API to fetch profile data, and displays the public information of the searched users

React, Tailwind, Github API
See Live Source Code


YelpCamp is a campgrounds app that allowing CRUD actions for both campgrounds and their reviews with the ability of showing campgrounds on the map.

JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mapbox API
See Live Source Code

View Bot

A platform that provides instant search to application reviews of IOS apps made on the App store by sending notifications to a designated Slack channel whenever a new review comes in.

Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap
See Live Source Code


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